Sunday, March 25, 2007

Anything in the service of science...

I know this || much about Google bombs, link fests, etc, but if I can help in even a tiny way to throw monkey wrenches into the workings of creationism, I'm happy to try. From Coturnix:

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor

Michael Egnor being a notable physician who has recently become affiliated with the creationist Discovery Institute


Keifus said...
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Keifus said...

Ah, the penultimate expression of blind faith. Maybe you came across this one by now (maybe it's in the links there even). The willful stupidity of people astounds sometimes.

You'll have to tell me how journalists and surgeons came to be authorities on evolutionary science anyway.

I remember the glory days of Usenet--the early 90s--when I really learned to start wasting my time. There was a group called where all the hard-core flamers used to go to belittle the nutters. It was my introduction to the fine sport of creationist-baiting, but found a little of that was enough. It took me a while to realize that these people influence policy in some parts of the country.

K (other post was mine, deleted for babbling and bad editing)

wuplcif: what you place in front
fpkbntbf: flip back onto before (or else something about fluffy backpacks)

maximo said...

evolution, it's not brain surgery.

Keifus said...

Broke the link too ("this one"). I'm useless today.

Maximo funny.

Archaeopteryx said...

These are some awesome links.

hipparchia said...

max: marry me.

keifus: that's ok, i've had one heck of a monday myself. glad to know who the mystery commenter was. thanks for that link; i haven't been over there in awhile. and i've always loved that "then a miracle occurs" cartoon.

arch: yeah. i'm still working my way through those posts. i've added a link to the scienceblogs front page on the sidebar. lots os great blogs there.