Curmudgeon cat weighs his options, and resolves to continue with the solidarity [for now]
I resolve [once again] to make it through the entire year [ha!] without buying any more books
[does it count that I dashed out and bought 5 paperbacks right before the bookstore closed on New Years Eve?]
anybody started a pool yet?
put me down for the 12th of february.
mwa hahahahahaha.
i was gonna stop eating chocolate, but forgot and got a package of extra creamy milk chocolate hearts today.
Only 5 books? I wager you'll not even make February!
Happy New Years, Hipparchia, and to your firm resolve!
ordinarily 5 books wouldn't come anywhere near lasting me till the 12th of february, but with 12 cats living here now, litter-box scooping has become my new hobby.
i promise to be truthful and let y'all know when/if i break down and buy more books.
oh, and cat... chocolate is one of the 4 basic food groups. giving that up would unbalance the diet.
i see scuptures in your future.
and possibly a new blog, if you've got a digital camera...
...something along this line...
You are doomed. You would probably give up chocolate before books...or has the local library started to become more responsive?
Hmmm...don't know if library books count.
bryan, library books don't count. stuff that takes up temporary residence here isn't hurting the simplification enough to matter, and i pay the taxes that pay for the library whether i use it or not. besides, i was already wearing out my library card every few months or so even back when i was buying books.
No more books at all? You've got to be kidding me! I'm still looking for space for the four or five books that came my way for Solstice.
I almost never make resolutions. The only one I've made this year is to pursue all the activities that are really important to me more aggressively. It's so easy to get lost in the trivial details, sidetracked, diverted from the really real. I know it's ambitious, but in 2008 my resolution is to keep my "eyes on the prize" as much as possible.
circ, i'm not sure which i have more of, cats or blogs, but i need another one like i need a hole in the head. that said, yes indeedy, i've considered starting a photoblog.
well, stevieb, last year my resolution was to stop trying to write poetry for the year. mostly i kept that one.
I resolved this year not to make any resolutions. Doing good so far.
I think the books are a terrible idea. Put me down for March 3.
keifus, keep up the good work!
all y'all, note the date.
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