Which leaves me feeling like I'm looking through the wrong end of the telescope --

I dunno, I'm thinkng his latest statement on FISA moves Obama up the authoritarian scale a couple of notches.
minor edit to add additional graphic

lemmings cliff rocks splat
I'm about dead center in the green with -5/-5.44.
It's skewed by the corporate questions, and no questions about small business.
I'd like it better if my political compass were spirit-filled...
I KNEW you were a smart, well-adjusted, mature person.
(But I should add we are almost identical - I am
Economic Left/Right: -8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.77(
andante! i knew there was a reason why you're one of my very favorite blogopeople! sisters under the skin, even if your small pets are the other species. :D
so, steve, in the spirit of things, are you eventually going to share your numbers with us?
bryan, it appears that would put you next door to the dalai lama, clearly you're in good company.
maybe small busines is a neutral-ish topic? [for purposes of this test]
Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.59
michael, so you're the dalai lama's neighbor on the other side. i have the best commenters.
I'm like Ghandi, but with less respect for power. I actually expected to be more economically liberal (scored -3.38) than this, but I guess I don't begrudge corporations' existence enough. I do expect them to behave in any number of ways, however, and unfortunately, I don't have much faith that government (scored -5.59 on the other axis) will serve my interests in that regard. I expected to be more radical on that second axis too, but being a parent evidently makes me something of an authority figure.
Also, if they worded some of the questions differently, I might have felt more strongly about them.
Wish I remembered my previous score.
hipparchia, it might be interesting to chart your commenters together. I guess I'm just one diagonal notch more of a right wing authoritarian than you.
hipparchia, it's been years, and I hate doing that sort of quiz so I won't repeat the process, but my numbers were close to yours and andante's.
At the time, I remember explaining the coordinate system to a colleague who is a social conservative, almost but not quite a fundamentalist. His immediate assumption, which he promptly expressed, was that all Democrats must surely be left-authoritarian. Heh.
I was feeling pretty good about my scores, -7.25, -6.72, but after looking at your scores, you've got me feeling like a fascist.
once the kids get a little older, you can go back to being a radical. my parents did [well, radical for them].
cool idea, i'll see what i can whomp up tomorrow.
yes, you look like robert mugabe to me! ;)
i'm not the least bit surprised that your numbers would be down here in the corner with me and andante. it's what i would have guessed, so i won't make you take the test again.
college professors are required to be fascist, at least part-time.
off topic, on the subject of mesopredators, coyotes moved in and took out all the barn cats at the family farm, at which point a family of skunks moved in. so, for now, the rodents are still likely to be kept in check, and you can quit worrying about the birds. ;)
Well, except that skunks are notorious egg and chick eaters, too. Not that I don't love the little buggers. I mean, they're only doing what a billion years of evolution have programmed them to do--just like the kitties.
But you really have to like skunks. So calm and easy going. 'Cause they know nobody's messing witht them.
Yeah, anything that moves in and replaces cats really stinks.
<grin_duck_run />
'Cause they know nobody's messing witht them.
not even pumas!
as for the skunks, it's my understanding they don't climb trees as much as cats, plus you've always assured me that birds are vulnerable to domestic cats because they've only had a few [hundred] generations to evolve with them [an argument i've never quite bought, except for island populations].
but yes, i've always liked skunks. and been real respectful of them too.
My parents had a pet skunk ("Otto," I believe) back when I was but a baby. They (my parents) were sort of contrarian pains in the ass, but as it turns out, polecats, even when de-stanked, aren't particularly affectionate. And unlike my pet bunnies, you can't eat them...
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