Friday, January 01, 2010

Firefox evolved

because Snowfox kept crashing.


BadTux said...

Sad to say, Firefox does plenty of crashing for me. That's why I use either Safari or Chrome nowdays, sigh!

- Badtux the Geek Penguin

hipparchia said...

yep, i've been through one or two firefox crashes myself.

i've considered trying google's chrome, but since i think they've overstepped their 'don't be evil' credo more than once, i'm more or less boycotting their browser [though obviously i'm still using blogger]. i usually swap back and forth between firefox and opera.

Steve Bates said...

"Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice. ..."

I've been lucky with the latest Firefox; I even defended it vociferously on a thread yesterday. In the middle of last year, I wasn't so lucky, but they issued an apparent bug fix release. The worst thing about "free" s/w is that there's no one to hold responsible when things go wrong. Sometimes that's no bad thing...

hipparchia said...

i've had some trouble with whatever the latest version is. if i could fuse the parts of firefox that i like with the parts of opera that i like, i'd be in browser heaven.