Friday, April 02, 2010

Curmudgeon cat, inspiring cats everywhere ...

Everyone admires how well-trained and restrained these dogs are...

Curmudgeon cat's favorite prey is rottweilers, but German shepherds are a reasonable stepping stone in his view.


Kryten42 said...

OK... That deserves a comment! LOL

As I said at Bryan's... There was probably someone standing next to the camera with a cheezeburger with catnip garnish! That and the fact that most self-respecting cat's think dogs are dumb and slow. ;)

hipparchia said...

heya, kryten!

all of mine can sure be bribed to do almost anything if you offer them some combination of yummy food and um, good organic herbs!

mandt said...

Dogs wait, kittahs do....:)

hipparchia said...

heh, good one!