Not all of the world is going to hell in a handbasket, but parts of it are and I am grouchy about this, incoherently so. I'm going to go crawl under a rock for a little while, until I get over it. I'll be back to pick up the dangling threads of conversation, but until then, I leave you with a kitten.
yikes, this batch are almost-cats now.
imagine the skill it took to fit in that basket!
Where are we going and why is it getting so hot?
Love how kitties can just pour themselves into containers...
Grouchiness is a sign of sanity in these times. I'm sorry you're having to be exceptionally sane at the moment; I know it's not always a lot of fun. Hang in there, and check in when you're able.
[ykgsh - young kitten gently soothes hipparchia]
What Steve said. And nice, uh, non-kitten.
[Ours is nearly full size too. She hasn't found the books, though.]
Gold and onyx in a basket that no longer fits because it's too soon to give up the prerogatives of kittenhood.
Blogtopia will be here when you feel ready.
I look forward to you’re coming out from under the rock! The kitten is, of course, cute. The zeppelin was a damned shocking surprise!
[a blog can never have too much of kittens or led zeppelin]
I hope you find your equanimity, Hipparchia. Or barring that, perhaps some equineimity.
Uhm, how does one make the Zeppelin's stop?
Just visualize Oslo.
(hey, it's been awhile)
visualizing oslo
ok, dinosaurs then, instead of zeppelin[s]
[there's a tiny tiny x on the screen]
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