Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Whachoo lookin at?

there really was a brief span of time when i had the library put back together. i even vacuumed the carpet. not that anybody is ever going to believe me on either of these claims.


ellroon said...

Nice library. I have some of those books!

It's hard to be organized with so many fur paws working so diligently to undo what you've done!

Anonymous said...

You must have put them back in the wrong order. Cats would never simply become raving maniacs, racing around, jumping off the the walls and furniture for no reason. :twisted:

hipparchia said...


you have got to be kidding me. cats always have a reason, opaque though it may be to the likes of us.

[i've considered more than once switching to wordpress just i can have that smiley]

hipparchia said...


i knew from the first that i liked you! now that i know about your taste in literachur, i know why.

sadly, i'm a lackluster organizer at best, even without the help of fur paws. the addition of cats to the household just means that all the stacks of books that formerly accumulated on the table tops, counter tops, chair seats, and sofa have been transferred to the floor.

Steve Bates said...


I don't know if cats are voracious readers... more likely simply voracious... but they do manifest an interest in books, especially books stacked on the floor in any semblance of human-created order. My theory: cats have prodigious memories that obviate the need to assign arbitrary canonical orders... alpha by author and title... to books or anything else. They know the order in which books belong, and they can always find the book they are interested in. Poor, foolish humans, they think, assigning any sort of purely mechanical order to books or any other media containing knowledge... one should just know.

[pprotc - Planned Parenthood; ROTC?]

hipparchia said...

They know the order in which books belong, and they can always find the book they are interested in. Poor, foolish humans, they think, assigning any sort of purely mechanical order to books or any other media containing knowledge... one should just know.

sheer poetry, dude.