Monday, August 27, 2007

Holey fuck!

I started off reading a blog post about Karl Rove and ended learning about frenum ladders. It really is what it sounds like it is. You can look it up yourself: NSFW. Don't say I didn't warn you.

The scary part is that it wasn't an entirely illogical progression, going from Rove to body modification.


Steve Bates said...

As a baroque violinist I used to work with frequently said, emphasizing her West Texas accent as she did so, "I think I'll pass..."

hipparchia said...


Unknown said...

I really have never understood why folks do that to their bodies.

hipparchia said...

it's not something i have any interest in ever doing, but i've lately done a lot of reading on pain and pain perception, so i can see why some people would feel differently about it than i do.