Monday, October 29, 2007

Speaking of maps...

These are interesting.

I can think of some likely reasons for some of the distributions, but not all of them.


Keifus said...

Yeah, me too (namely, industry). I couldn't help notice the dates. I wonder if current data look similar.

(I mean, everyone was still smoking back then for one thing.)

Steve Bates said...

I know there are many places people call "Cancer Alley," but the one in Pasadena/Deer Park, Texas, where all the chemical plants and refineries are, is called Cancer Alley by public health professionals. The records bear it out. I'm talking about mid-1980's.

[ynfuz - yes-no-fuzzy]

hipparchia said...

certainly industry has an effect, and i've alwys heard new orleans and parts south referred to as cancer alley too.

one of the interesting things: in the northeast, both men and women [white] have higher cancer mortality rates, but in the south, among whites, the men have noticeably higher rates in some areas.

i also wondered if the lack of early data about cancer among blacks was because nobody cared enough about them back then to record what they died of.