eeeuuuuwww. what is it?
here, let big brother show you how it's done.
tonight's final tally: 5 kittens and a mom cat.
Six kittens is a lot. Once the thundering herd came out from under the bed and invaded the rest of the space, I started supplementing mom cat's efforts with dishes of kitten formula a couple of times a day. Most of the time, I only got two or three customers, mother's milk is always bestest y'know, and oh! the cleanup after drinking out of a saucer!
Tonight was the first solid food, dry food soaked in warm water, mashed well, and mixed with the last of the kitten formula. Most popular offering yet. Should have done this sooner.
In other news, the library has [partly] moved to the kitchen. I'd been wondering where the little stinkers were disappearing. Turns out, they can fit in the spaces under the cabinets and behind the toe kick. This would be ok, except that I can't tell for sure if they're
staying under the cabinets. All I need is for them to get into the walls too, and try as I might, I couldn't see that far back under the cabinets. If I can't figure out what they're up to, they don't get to continue doing it.
What to block the spaces with? Murder mysteries to the rescue! Paperback books are just the right size to stuff under the cabinets, and just squishable enough to pack tightly in place. At least now the library floor is picked up, even if the kitchen looks a bit more ... colorful.

This is the nightly cat-baiting, in the transplanted library. Tonight I'm tossing bits of jerky around the floor for them to chase. Or tossing bits of jerky down onto their heads. The well-socialized cat should be prepared for anything, including manna from heaven, or the sky falling, whichever comes first.
Last night's pursuit didn't lend itself to picture-taking, but it sure was cute. I waited for a cat to look me in the eye before dropping a treat in front of the first cat that looked. Patches almost-cat caught onto this game faster than the others and tonight she was watching me like a hawk.