Thursday, September 27, 2007


Keifus said...

Copycat? On my dim monitor, all I see are eyes and an outline. Cute stuff.

(I like the print up above too.)

hoakv: aloha, Kiev (Oh, a kilovolt! Who left that there?)

Steve Bates said...

Keifus - groan! :) I understand one cannot always replace a monitor. But you're missing a cuuuute picture!

Has Curmudgeon Cat recently caught a small furry critter with fur almost the same color as his own? I awoke this morning to a dream of some unspecified orange cat capturing a hamster (?) but the hamster was almost the same color as the cat. (Maybe there's some deep, symbolic interpretation. Or maybe I shouldn't eat junk food before I go to bed.)

hipparchia said...

copycat! i ended up forgoing a title for this one, in part because i couldn't come up with a good one. next time i'll ask you first, because that's the new copier/fax/printer/scanner i just bought that they're taking turns lounging on. copycat indeed.

on my monitor too, it's not much more than an outline with eyes. i played with the photo a bit to get more defintion, but decided i liked the effect of the green eyes with greener background.

hipparchia said...

curmudgeon cat is a bird specialist. when he gets bored with them, he takes on cars and rottweilers. i don't think he even sees hamsters, cuz he never did a damn thing about the mice in my last place or the ones here either. must have been somebody else'e orange cat. or the junk food.

Anonymous said...

Curmudgeon cat takes turns?!

I just assumed he ate the poor little furball. Not much of a curmudgeon if he shares.

hipparchia said...

curmudgeon cat is probably lying on the poor little furball. it's beneath him to actually notice them.