The difference between you and me is that I actually do have enough cats living here that I could tie dustcloths to them, let them run through the house, and expect the place to look clean. Heck, they even offer to help with the dishes.
The $64,000 question: how many Roombas will I have to deploy to vacuum up all the fur?

My question: how do you get a cat to run? Alex only runs when he is chasing some imaginary something or other.
they do sleep on the job an awful lot don't they?
For most cats, most of the time, sleeping IS the job. :)
Those surely are cuuuute kittens!
[sksqo - sleepy kitten, status quo]
One should only use the vacuum as a lost resort when you need all cats out of the room. It normally works with the exception of Ringo who feels she must do battle with the wand.
I notice the book blockade provides an easy stepping stone into the dishwasher.
My understanding is that it is not proper to wash your kittens in a dishwasher.
Just saying.
(Holy cow, they're cute!)
awww, arch, not even on the short cycle?
yes, they're a cute little gang. 3 look like the top photo, black with short tails, and the other 3 look like the bottom photo, black with long tails.
steve, it's a cat's job to sleep, that's for sure. a kitten's job description covers a wider range, but invariably it contains the word cute.
bryan, i'm not well-socialized to vacuum cleaners. i'm frequently moved to either attack them or leave the room.
the kittens were intially stymied by the blockade, but soon discovered they could fit in the space between the wall and the refrigerator. i never did figure out if they could fit behind the fridge, but i decided to scotch that one just on principle, so... it's another shelf of books got wedged into service in the kitchen.
Let me go look... I think you stole my dishwasher. Everything visible in this picture looks exACTly like mine. Except the kitten, of course.
i could fix you up with a kitten exACTly this one...
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