Sure, this was an excuse to add another lolcat to my blog, but here, have some farm bill reading:
- Dead farmers got $1.1 billion from USDA [new link]
- Mulch blog on Farm Bill 2007
- Blog for Rural America from the Center for Rural Affairs
- FarmPolicyFacts.org
- EWG's Farm Subsidy Database
- He Only Saved a Billion People [tangentially related]
Hey I recognize some of those from last semester. (I didn't complete them then either.)
I read the last one. I don't necessarily take the easy view that Alter does of the fertility science forwarded by that guy, although I don't have a problem with agricultural research in general. Sustainability's an issue that the green revolution has still come short of addressing. I guess we'll see (or not).
ujjsc: my juju sucks.
[u left ur juju in south carolina]
that's ok, its here more for my reading assignment than for yours. i'll try to keep up a little better this time around.
The problem isn't so much what he did, but the implementation. He did traditional plant cross-breeding and produced fertile grains. Since that time things have moved to genetic manipulation to produce sterile grains that require massive does of chemical fertilizers.
Is this a picture of the by-now-(in)famous Oscar?
nope, though that would have been cool.
i have some theories about oscar, btw.
The local consensus in our part of the blogosphere seems to be that Oscar smells something (or, as Bryan suggested, perhaps even hears something) that is different in people who are near death. That sounds reasonable to me. But if someone wants to believe Oscar is performing miracles, I won't object... disagree, yes; object, no.
i'm with bryan.
or possibly, since oscar "works" mainly in the alzhemiers? dementia? [i forget] area, it could well be that those last few hours are the only ones when the patients are reliably quiet and still [and safe enough for a shy cat to get close to].
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