I saw CNN's Sanjay Gupta try to refute Sicko, and had planned to rail against it, but tartuffe has already done the heavy lifting:
Moore fact-checks CNN's Sicko "reality check"
by tartuffe
07-10-2007, 1:01 PM #
Result: Moore/Sicko -- 2, CNN -- 0
CNN's distorted, biased "Reality Check"
Moore confronts Blitzer (live, on-air) over distortions and falsehoods in "Reality Check" (and other matters!); suggests apology warranted
Moore fact-checks CNN's Sicko "Reality Check"
And a good time was had by all (well, except perhaps Wolf Blitzer and Dr. Sanjay Gupta . . . and maybe top CNN management!).
I;ve not seen the film yet, but I have experienced what life is like when one can't afford health insurance.
Go Moore!
woo hoo! right on! go moore!
i'm not planning to see it, because like you, i know what it's like to both be insured and screwed over by the industry, and uninsured-while-sick. just from reading the reviews i'm ready to move to cuba.
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